《抖音》Wish I could just stop the clocks歌曲攻略

时间:2020-11-06 17:09:01 来源:互联网 作者:曙光整理
  最近抖音上“Wish I could just stop the clocks”这首歌非常火,这是一首非常好听的英文歌曲。很多小伙伴都在找这首歌,其实这首歌就是《Stop the Clocks》。那么下面就让我们一起来听听这首歌,了解这首歌吧!

最近抖音上“Wish I could just stop the clocks”这首歌非常火,这是一首非常好听的英文歌曲。很多小伙伴都在找这首歌,其实这首歌就是《Stop the Clocks》。那么下面就让我们一起来听听这首歌,了解这首歌吧!

Wish I could just stop the clocks什么歌

歌曲名称:Stop the Clocks


Wish I could just stop the clocks歌曲试听


Stop the Clocks歌词介绍

Brave faces

Cover scrapes up with band aids

But I can't keep on lying to myself

And keep on saying I don't need nobody else

Cold sheets

Felt so good to the old me

But I can't keep on lying by myself

Hate to admit it but I need to be held need to be held again

Seeing all my friends holding hands at the bar

Watchin old lovers feeding birds in the park

Second hand feelings never quite enough

Wish I could just stop the clocks

And tear this city down til I find us

I know the words but not the sound

My heart is tired

Of sleeping far away from home

If there's a god above my head

If it's not too much to ask

Just stop the clocks

Stop the clocks

Just stop the clocks


From my past come to haunt me

The devil I could never put to rest

If it hurt me once it's gonna hurt again

Seeing all my friends holding hands at the bar

Watchin old lovers feeding birds in the park

Second hand feelings never quite enough

Wish I could just stop the clocks

And tear this city down til I find us

I know the words but not the sound

My heart is tired

Of sleeping far away from home

If there's a god above my head

If it's not too much to ask

Just stop the clocks

Stop the clocks

Just stop the clocks

Just stop the clocks

Stop the clocks

Stop the Clocks精彩评论:

满洲里有象 : just stop the clock 就让时间停止吧 停在这一年 去年你偷了12个小时的时差 看了我们看过的月亮 那今年是不是我们暂停了时间 让你能和我们一同看朝暮 虽然时间并不会真正的停止 但我的少年永远二十赶朝暮 祝源源不止生日快乐

1108 : 我要召集所有人过来听王源的歌! 2019年完全打破众人固执观念中的爱豆形象,冲刷大流歌曲以创作人的身份展开一场热情十足的演唱会 听到这首之后,我从头到尾真的语无伦次了,我的逻辑被王源惊艳到跑丢了

Bonnie :就像去年王源原创《源》里唱的,“这世界就是一个圆,从不会停下”。他的浪漫就像一首诗,里面融合了宇宙银河,还有尝尽酸甜却永不疲倦的人类。他一直在告诉我们,当遇到黑暗,请记住不要沉浸于他,要直面他,对抗他,直到太阳升起,你又重新,学会了微笑。

hello_roy : 思念是想要穿越时间,去看看过去的你。可我们谁都没有时光机,只能在深夜对自己说话。可如果有如果,我希望下次见你时,会有彩虹出现,许愿所有的福气,都给你哦。



以上就是小编为大家带来的关于《抖音》Wish I could just stop the clocks歌曲攻略了,想了解更多资讯请关注暖光手游。

